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    Monday, January 12, 2009

    Back in Bla... Bournemouth

    Hello Everyone,

    Yep i'm back from skiing, and so is Emma. She got on really well for her first week managing confident parallel turns on blues, and even a red at the end of the week! The photo below pretty much sums up the holiday. Fantastic snow, blue skies, and lots of sunshine!

    Well I arrived back at University yesterday, and have just finished the first day of my second term at Bournemouth! I have so much work to do, it is unreal. I have 3 assignments due in for the next 3 weeks, and an exam on the fourth week! I don't mind the work (hey, its why I'm paying near £10,000 a year) it's just the time it takes up!

    My timetable has changed slightly for the second term, no more Monday lye in's for me. First lecture on Monday is now 10 - 11, i then have a 2 hour break, then a lecture 1 - 2, then another 2 hour break, then a lecture 4-5! But i am making a pledge that i will do work in those 4 hours, rather than visit the local student 'watering hole' otherwise known as Dylans bar!

    It's a mixed feeling being back at Uni, I like choosing what, and when to eat. And i like deciding whether or not I can be bothered to make my bed! But there are some people from home I miss very much!

    Anyway, i am really only procrastinating by writing this blog post. I'm off now to generate some random numbers in C++, Create 3 minutes of interesting radio content (without using the spoken work), Start a report on 'how a sound card works', and revise for a multimedia fundamentals exam...

    Good times