Am I happy, excited, or pleased about this snow. No. Whilst it may be fun plotting (and for some reason always failing) to break out onto the roofs of University buildings and have massive snowball fights, the fact of the matter is that snow is only good if it's a few feet deep, freshly fallen, with a nice hard base, and on a nice steep mountain. And even then, it's only good if I am at the top of said mountain with a nice pair of ski's strapped to my feet. Who said I was bitter about my family going skiing again this year?
Pushing that aside, news here. Unfortunately one of my best mates on the course has decided that it's not for him. The decision is totally understandable, but he will be missed! Other news, all assignments are done for now, and as you may gather my exam has been and gone (smoothly, as far as I can tell). Emma is visiting this week from good old Winchester, hopefully the snow won't ruin the travel plans! Which brings me onto a very good point...
[rant] Other countries have snow for 6 months a year, and manage to cope absolutely fine. Yet our useless country has but a sprinkling of the white stuff, and headlines such as "Snow brings chaos to London" and "Snow in England spawns transit mess" are commonplace! I mean come on, sort it out Britain! [/rant]
Anyway, enough from me!
P.S. Sorry for the lack of updates on the Music Blog front, i have to admit that I stupidly came back to Uni, leaving all my previous creations at home! But have no fear, more are on the way!
P.P.S Just been reminded that i promised to update you on my cooking. I tried making lasagne, ended up on the toilet for 3 days and taking Immodium! (Don't try this at home kids)